Monday, 13 February 2017

SEO Audit of Major Ice Cream Brands

An analysis of the SEO of Chapman’s and Nestle

By Mitchell Laskowski

Modern day marketers must really consider the impact that proper SEO can have on their brand. In this post we will take a look at how well Chapman’s Ice Cream  and Nestle Drumstick manage the Search Engine Optimization of their websites.

Based on the data I have received from Google Trends, it seems that most people are not searching for specific ice cream brands, but instead just searching for ice cream in general. These search results peak during the summer months when it is hot outside. Searches are at their lowest during the colder months of the year.

Here are some of the LSI keywords from my brands:


  • ·       Canadian Ice Cream Brands
  • ·       Chapman’s Ice Cream Coupon
  • ·       Where to Buy Chapman’s Ice Cream

  • ·       Nestle Drumstick Nutrition
  • ·       Ice Cream Drumstick Brands
  • ·       Nestle Drumstick Variety Pack

Each of these brands have their own individual strengths. Chapman’s website contains many calls to action, while Nestle website includes a proper meta description and good use of alt text. Areas that can be improved on both websites are meta keywords and bold/italics.

In conclusion I believe that Nestle did a better job with their Search Engine Optimization. They provided much more information than Chapman’s including alt text. Alt Text is a very important piece of a website since it is a legal requirement if you do business in the United States.  Overall I was surprised that two major brands could have such large gaps in the search engine optimization of their websites.

APA Citations:

Chapman’s (2017). Chapman’s Ice Cream. Retrieved from

Google. (February 2017). Google trends. [Ice Cream, Chapman’s, Nestle.]. Retrieved from,%2Fm%2F0fqg35,%2Fm%2F01556g

LSIGraph. (February 2017). LSIGraph keyword generator [Ice Cream]. Retrieved from

Nestle Drumstick (2017). Nestle Drumstick. Retrieved from

SEOmoz Inc. (February 2017). MozBar. Retrieved from

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