Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Content Marketing Campaign for Chapman’s Ice Cream

Content Marketing Campaign

Content marketing idea for Chapman’s Ice Cream

By Mitchell Laskowski

“This is a student-concept for a Sheridan Pilon School of Business Digital Marketing Course”

#IceCreamDream will be a contest where fans will take pictures of themselves or their families eating Chapman’s Ice Cream in exotic locations. This activity causes families and friends to plan out a special location to take a photo for the contest, and get enjoy Chapman’s Ice Cream while doing it. Chapman’s is a family owned Canadian company with most of their customers being Canadian families so this contest should really connect with the fans.

This promotion can take place over Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram. People must be following at least one of our social media accounts to qualify for the contest. Having the hashtag #IceCreamDream posted with every photo/video helps bring awareness to our marketing campaign. The goal is to greatly increase the amount of followers on all our social media accounts, and increase the interaction we have with our fans.

 The grand prize would be a family dream vacation anywhere in Canada. I could be possible to partner up with Government of Canada to offer better prizes such as trips to National Parks or other important areas of Canada. Many secondary prizes such as free ice cream should be given out throughout the contest to encourage participation and to help make the fans feel like winners.

This campaign could take place anytime of the year, but summer would be the ideal time. Ice Cream sales are at their highest and it is easier for people to travel around in the warmer weather.

Monday, 20 March 2017

Content Marketing Idea for Baskin Robbins

Content Marketing Idea for Baskin Robbins

By Gursewak Singh Brar

I am creating a content marketing campaign for Baskin Robbins. Baskin Robbins is a well-known name in ice cream industry. My idea is to create affective advertisement utilizing the social media platform for Baskin Robbins Company. As from the previous blogs we can see that most of the posts on Baskin Robbins social platform are all based on commercials with just one image and few words. This lacks interaction with the content and is an important factor where the company is lagging behind.
My audience are the people who visit social media platforms Facebook and YouTube regularly and often search content that is based on health and food.
The campaign will focus on creating a social media content that will educate about the benefits of ice cream.
I am planning to generate 10 K likes, 2 K subscribers and about 1K comments.
This campaign will be launched this summer and it is the best time to educate people to love ice cream.
I will use Facebook and Twitter to launch this campaign.
This campaign will use video to be share on YouTube and Facebook to attract people.

Disclaimer: “This is a student-concept for a Sheridan Pilon School of Business Digital Marketing Course”.

All of the data is retrieved from official Facebook, twitter and YouTube platforms of Baskin Robbins and Perry’s Ice cream.

Saturday, 18 March 2017

Analyzing Fan Pages, Influencers and Inbound Links for Ice Cream Brands

Analyzing Fan Pages, Influencers and Inbound Links for Ice Cream Brands

Fan Pages, Influencers and Inbound Links for Chapman’s and Nestle Drumstick.

By Mitchell Laskowski


Chick Advisor is where female users are able to review products that may appeal to other women. Currently all of the reviews for Chapman’s have been 5 stars. The comments provided by the users gives us a good insight into how they feel about the brand and products. (SPOILER ALERT) They like it!

Here we have a blog post from a self-proclaimed “Ice Cream Snob” that goes on to give a review of Chapman’s ice cream ball cones. The review explains a lot of the details of the products, while also giving insight into the making of ice cream.

Up next is a review of Chapman’s new kid’s product line conducted by Monster Crew Reviews. YouTube is a great channel for sharing review on food products because it lets customs actually see the real product, not just what’s shown in advertisements.

Nestle Drumstick:

Influenster is another review website which focuses on the female demographic. The webpage includes a very large amount of customer reviews and comments, as well as a 4.8/5 rating among users.

This blog tells the origin story of how the waffle cone was born, and in turn helped create the first drumstick. It then turns into a review of the Drumstick which does not end very well for nestle.

This video by JoeysWorldTour provides a product review of a rare cinnamon flavoured Drumstick called Cinnamunch. The review tells you a lot about the product, mainly with the reviewer’s reactions while eating the ice cream.

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Chapman’s vs Nestle Drumstick: YouTube Presence

YouTube Presence of Ice Cream Brands

Chapman’s vs Nestle Drumstick on YouTube

By Mitchell Laskowski

The YouTube channel for Chapman’s is mainly used to showcase commercials and advertisements for new products that have been released over the years. They also have several videos that relate to the backstory of the characters in their children’s ice cream line. The channel is not updated often, with new post taking place from every few months to every few years.

The most popular video from Chapman’s was a commercial for “Chapman’s Ice Cream Sundae”. The video received over 11,500 views and 26 likes. The video has also received 6 comments. Chapman’s does not include any description on their channel nor do they link to their Twitter or Facebook accounts.

The YouTube channel for Nestle Drumstick is desperately lacking content. They currently only have one video throughout the channel. Their last video was posted over 4 years ago. No other information is provided on their channel. There is not description or links to other social media websites.

The most popular video on the Drumstick YouTube channel is their only video, “The Drumstick Ode to One Million Fans”. This video was released to celebrate 1 million fans on Facebook, however the video and channel do not link to Facebook. The video has received over 8,000 views and 36 likes, but only 2 comments.

Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Interesting Ice Cream Facts

Interesting Ice Cream Facts

By Mitchell Laskowski

Ice cream is such a fascinating dessert. It's true origin is unknown but legends say a 1st-century roman emperor ordered his servants to fetch snow from the mount ions which was to be flavoured by juices. The Ice Cream Cone gained popularity at the 1904 World's Fair, when an Ice Cream vendor ran out of bowls and started using folded up waffles from a nearby food stand.  

Here are a few other interesting things about Ice Cream:

YouTube Presence of Ice cream Brands

YouTube Presence of Ice cream Brands

Baskin Robbins Vs Perry’s Ice Cream

By Gursewak Singh Brar


If we look at Baskin Robbins presence, it is not much active on the YouTube Channel. There are only 5 videos on Baskin Robbins’ YouTube channel. The latest video was posted about 7 months ago, one about 10 months and other 3 about 1 year ago. All of these video posts are commercials except one named “Sandwich for a Sandwich” that is bit a game type commercial. In the description area, only publishing date is mentioned. Description area has no info or any link or keyword. Baskin Robbins commercial about Polar Pizza is the most successful because it generated about 415, 089 views, 85 likes, only 3 dislikes and 17 positive comments.

Baskin Robbins commercial about Polar Pizza:

If we look at Perry’s, they have posted more videos as compared to Baskin Robbins. There are total 16 videos. The time frame is once a year. The videos are mixed contents with commercials, customer reviews, how to and events. The Perry’s following 50/50 rule here too. The most successful video is about the story of Perry’s entitled, “Our story in small bites.” It generated around 3289 views. In the case of description Perry’s following similar trend as Baskin Robbins.

Our story in small bites:

# of videos
# of views
# of subscribes
Baskin Robbins
Perry’s Ice cream

Sunday, 12 March 2017

Chapman’s vs Nestle Drumstick: Twitter Presence

Twitter Presence of Ice Cream Brands

Chapman’s vs Nestle Drumstick on Twitter

By Mitchell Laskowski

Most of the content posted on the Chapman’s Twitter page is very similar to the content posted on their Facebook page. It contains several pictures of Chapman’s products as well as responses to questions and comments. Several posts link to other social media accounts such as Instagram or back to their website.

Currently the most popular tweet is a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays message from Chapman’s VP Ashley Chapman. This post received 20 likes, 5 retweets and 4 replies.  Chapman’s doesn’t follow the 50/50 rule on twitter, most posts are involving their own product. They tweet quite frequently, around 2-3 times per week.

Similar to their Facebook page, Nestle Drumstick is not very active on Twitter. They average only about 2 tweets per month. The 50/50 is not applied here as all the posts here are pictures of Nestle Drumsticks, or retweets of positive customer reactions. 

The most popular post on the Nestle Drumstick Twitter page is about a contest where followers can win free ice cream.  It received 34 likes. 88 retweets, and 79 replies. Contests are a great way to interact with your followers over social media and also give them some extra incentive to interact with your brand.

Nestle Drumstick
Number of Tweets
Average Tweets per month

Saturday, 11 March 2017

Twitter Presence of Ice cream Brands

Twitter Presence of Ice cream Brands

Baskin Robbins Vs Perry’s Ice Cream

By Gursewak Singh Brar

When we look at the Twitter accounts of Baskin Robbins and Perry’s, we can see that both the companies are doing pretty much same as they are performing on Facebook profile. Most of the tweets are exact copy of what they have posted on Facebook. The same images with same titles are posted on both Facebook and Twitter platform by Baskin Robbins. The keyword is mainly the name of the brand itself. There are some retweets by Baskin Robbins of their customers on twitter. Here too Baskin Robbins failed to follow 50/50 rule. The successful post was Hello February! #LovePotion31 #FlavourOfTheMonth #BaskinRobbins. This post reduced 16 likes and13 retweets.

(Screenshot of successful post on Love Potion 31 advertisement by Baskin Robbins)

 As we have discussed earlier, Perry’s doing same, whatever it is doing on Facebook. It is tweeting about its talk on news about new product. Some promotional campaign is running here about Bad Breakup give way. As most of the posts are similar to the Facebook posts Perry’s following 50/50 rule here too. Perry’s Post “A break up is not so bad when ice Cream’s involved! Today’s your last chance to enter for a home delivery of our new Bad Breakup! Earned 7 replies, 50 retweets and 23 shares.

(Screenshot of successful post on Bad Breakup advertisement by Perry’s Ice-cream)

Baskin Robbins
Perry’s ice cream

Thursday, 9 March 2017

Chapman’s vs Nestle Drumstick: Facebook Presence

Facebook Presence of Ice Cream Brands

Chapman’s vs Nestle Drumstick

By Mitchell Laskowski

Chapman’s Ice Cream maintains a strong presence on Facebook. They post multiple times per week and are constantly responding to customer’s questions and comments. They do not follow the 50/50 rule considering almost all of their posts are specifically about Chapman’s Ice Cream.  They do offer lots of content to try and engage with their fan base such as ice cream design contests and free items giveaways.

 Chapman’s most popular post om Facebook is a preview post for some new products that they plan to release in 2017. This post received quite a positive response from fans receiving more than 900 likes and 87 shares. The comments show that the fans are interested in the new products and even make suggestions on how the brand can improve their new product line.

“Chapman’s most popular post on facebook”

Nestle Drumstick is a different story when it comes to Facebook. They are not active posters, with only an average of 1-2 post per month. The posts show up more frequently during the summer months when they are receiving more business. Just like Chapman’s, they do not follow the 50/50 rule as well. All of their post are centered around the Nestle Drumstick. No additional content is offered to help engage the fan base.  Some sort of contest or giveaway could bring a lot more life to this Facebook page.

The most successful post from Nestle Drumstick would have to be their Valentine’s Day from 2016. This little joke managed to get them over 700 likes along with 50 shares. Overall the comments in response to the post were positive.

“Most popular Facebook post from Nestle Drumstick”

To conclude this post, I have included some of the quantifiable data from the Facebook pages. 

Nestle Drumstick
Page Likes
Average Comments per Post
Average Likes per Post
Average Shares per Post
Average Post per Month
Use of 50/50 rule
19 Self Post / 6 Industry Posts
25 Self Post / 0 Industry Posts

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Facebook Presence of Ice cream Brands

Facebook Presence of Ice cream Brands

Baskin Robbins Vs Perry’s Ice Cream

By Gursewak Singh Brar

Today I will discuss about the Facebook presence of two ice cream brands Baskin Robbins and Perry’s ice cream. When we look at the Facebook page of Baskin Robins, we see that the most of the posts are images that talks about the products of the company. It can be seen that very little or no influence is given to the keyword highlights. From the last 25+posts, we see only one promotional post that is named as “Happy end-of-January! Let's #Celebrate31!” The post is focusing on 31% off on pre- packs on every 31st day of the month. The Facebook posts are updates every 2 days or so, even though they are just images of their products without any engaging content. We do not see 50/50 rule followed by the posts because most of the posts are about products. The most successful post is about Valentine’s Day personalized Ice Cream Cake. This post generated about 657 likes, 108 shares and 350 Comments.

(Screenshot of successful post on Valentine’s Day advertisement by Baskin Robbins)

On the other hand, Perry’s Ice Cream is using mix of media to show its presence on Facebook. There are lots of promotions, links to other sites, and videos about special events that are being used by Perry’s on Facebook. We can see on the Facebook page that Perry’s ice cream is using give away promotional tool to promote its product named “Bad Breakup” to share and win. It is also sharing third party posts like Step out Buffalos and IB time’s page on benefits of Ice Cream for health. We can see that Perry’s following 50/50 rule. Perry’s post about Bad Breakup brand was most successful that generated about 846 likes, 367 shares and 85 comments. 

     (Screenshot of successful advertisement by Perry’s Ice Cream)

# Likes
# People talking about
# Checked in
Baskin Robbins
Perry’ Ice cream